[:ro]Manciac Sanda Ana-Maria[:en]Manciac Sanda Ana-Maria[:]
Prezentare Demers Artistic
Tema apei ca oglinda care reflecta un univers conferindu-I profunzime, mister,culoare a fost frecvent utilizata in pictura din toate timpurile, daca ar fi sa-i amintim doar pe Wiliam Turner si pe Claude Monet , dintre cei in ale caror lucrari , ,elementul acvatic apare constant.
Lucrarea se compune din doua register orizontale: peisajul ‘real’si cel reflectat in apa.Cele doua planuri se intrepatrund pe alocuri, neexistand o delimitare clara, precisa intre acestea;universul real imprumuta culoare celui reflectat.
Dominanta cromatica este calda, cu accente de lumina, ocru,galben.Prin contrastul cromatic inchis deschis, sunt evidentiate anumite zone din lucrare.
Tehnica utilizata este pastel pe carton ,am ales aceasta tehnica pentru ca imi da posibilitatea sa lucrez cu o gama cromatica larga [o multitudine de nuante] de la ocruri, galbenuri intense pana la griuri colorate, brunuri calde, profunde.
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Prezentare Demers Artistic
The theme of water as a mirror reflecting a universe, giving it depth, mystery, color was often used in the painting of all time, if it were only to remind William Turner and Claude Monet, among those in whose works, water element is constantly encountered.
The painting consists of two horizontal register: landscape ‘real’ and reflected one. The two planes sometimes intertwined, there is no clearly separation between them; the real universe lends color to the reflected one.
The dominant color is warm, with light ocher and yellow accents . By dark-light contrast color are highlighted certain areas of work.
The technique used is pastel on board. I chose this technique because it gives me the opportunity to work with a wide color gamut [a multitude of shades] from yellow intense to gray colored and deep, warm brown.
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