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UAP | 11/03/2025

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[:ro]Mărăcineanu Hugo[:en]Mărăcineanu Hugo[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Hugo Maracineanu
Mărăcineanu Hugo
Adresa: Piata Traian, Bl. B7, atelier 5, etaj 1, Brăila – România
Tel: +40724.024.811 – +40339.886.101

Fluture de Voroneţ - Voronet butterfly - ulei-pânză - oil-canvas - 92x71 cm.

Fluture de Voroneţ – ulei-pânză – 92×71 cm.

Prezentare Demers Artistic

Drumul pe care il caut dintotdeauna
Artistul trebuie sa demonstreze mai mult decat forma si mestesug perfect, mai mult decat manevrare si exploatare a mijloacelor plastice.
Dincolo de suprafata, de forma, de material, de mijloacele plastice folosite , trebuie sa transpara taina, subiectul, motivul, cauza, efectul pentru care s-a pornit demersul plastic.
Arta este o emanatie subiectiva; ea vine dintr-o necesitate de comunicare, este mijlocul prin care ne facem cunoscute cele mai tainice ganduri, trairi, sperante, descoperiri, este şi va ramane si o cale de educatie si de traire in comuniune cu ceilalti.
Nu exista forma fara substanta, continut: chiar si cele mai exclusiviste linii de manifestare plastica abstracta, onirica, automatisme transcrise din subconstient pentru a ajunge la ceilalti, trebuie sa releveze fondul, taina, misterul, sa sugereze sensul ce vine dinspre aceste manifestari spre public.
Teoretizarea tehnicilor, descrierea exhaustiva a procedeelor, gestualismul, formele alambicate, gramatica perspectivei si a calitatilor plastice, in cele din urma isi gasesc corespondent in realitatea directa ori in cea creata subiectiv de artisti.
Nu exista stil personal – acesta este un automatism, o autopastisare – exista amprenta psihica, sensibila a evolutiei subiectului, iar subiectul artistului este permanent chiar artistul.
Continuu ne cautam, dar tot nu vom ajunge la profunzimea totului.
Hugo Maracineanu

website link , [:en]

Hugo Maracineanu
Mărăcineanu Hugo
Adresa: Piata Traian, Bl. B7, atelier 5, etaj 1, Brăila – România
Tel: +40724.024.811 – +40339.886.101

Fluture de Voroneţ - Voronet butterfly - ulei-pânză - oil-canvas - 92x71 cm.

Voronet butterfly – oil-canvas – 92×71 cm.

Prezentare Demers Artistic

The road I keep looking for
The artist must demonstrate more than perfect form and craft, more than just handling and operating with the plastic means.
Beyond the surface, shape, material, plastic means used, there must come out the mystery, the subject, the reason, the cause and the effect of the plastic approach.
Art is a subjective emanation; it comes from a need for communication, it is the way we make our most secret thoughts, feelings, hopes, discoveries known. It is and it will also remain a way of education and living in communication with the others.
There is no form without substance and content. Even the most exclusive lines of abstract plastic expression, dreams, subconscious automatisms, in order to reach the others, they must reveal the essence, the mystery. They must suggest the meaning that emerges from these acts to the public.
Theorizing the techniques, the exhaustive description of procedures, action painting, intricate forms, the grammar of the perspective and of the plastic qualities, eventually find their correspondent in the direct reality or in the one subjectively created by artists.
There is no personal style – this is an automatism, a self repeating act – there only exists a psychic and sensitive mark of the subject’s evolution, and the subject of the artist is forever the artist itself.
We keep looking for ourselves, but still we will not reach the depth of everything.
Hugo Maracineanu

website link , [:]