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UAP | 11/03/2025

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[:ro]Mihalcea Răzvan[:en]Mihalcea Răzvan[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Mihalcea Răzvan
Adresa: Buzău – România
Tel: +40

Marină - 100 x 70 cm


Prezentare Demers Artistic

Lucrarile mele reprezinta o descoperire continua de conotatii in ce priveste ceea ce e personal, specific dar si obiectiv. Raportarea la suprafata, urma, semne si caracteristicile psihologice cu ambitia unei trainicii sau poate permanente. Suprafata si materia care ii adera se coordoneaza in intentia unei afirmatii definitive prin emotie canalizata de ratiune si luciditate. Nu sunt psiholog, poet sau preot, dar ma intereseaza semnificatia si sensul actiunii umane precum si expresia si valoarea ei manifestata prin urme pe suprafete, semne prin intentie sau doar vointa de supravietuire.
Lucrarile sufera dese reorganizari, ideile disparate cauta includere in contextul precar al compozitiei in progres si dese schimbari radicale apar reconsiderand stadiile precedente sau excluzandu-le. Expresia finala sugereaza acceptare, schimbare radicala, salvare, convingere, violenta, excludere si oportunitate.

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Mihalcea Răzvan
Adresa: Buzău – România
Tel: +40

Marină - 100 x 70 cm


Prezentare Demers Artistic

My work researches the ongoing discovery of connotations concerning the personal, the specific and the objective. I refer to surfaces, traces, marks and psychological traits with a consistency in endurance and permanence. The surfaces and the substance that adheres to it correlate via a definite statement through emotion channeled by reason and lucidity. I am no psychologist or poet, much less a priest, still I am interested in the significance and the meaning of human action and its expression and value through marks on surfaces, marks created with a will, or merely likely, for survival.
There is a lot of organizing and re-organizing, ideas spawned then and there that seek acceptance by the fragile status quo of the work in progress, also radical changes that reconsider the first stages or bluntly exclude them. My dealing with the surfaces suggests acceptance, radical changes, salvation, conviction, violence, exclusion, opportunity.

Răzvan Mihalcea

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