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UAP | 03/02/2025

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[:ro]Tsamuris Traian[:en]Tsamuris Traian[:]

Nistor Laurențiu


Tsamuris Traian
Tel: +40723.000.516

Obiect de venerat

Obiect de venerat

Prezentare Demers Artistic

Traian Tsamuris experimentează tehnici plastice specifice unor genuri precum pictura murală, pictura de şevalet, gravura şi sculptura, pe care reuşeşte să le integreze de multe ori ȋn forme neconvenţionale precum happening-ul, instalaţia şi performance-ul.
Realitatea se transfigurează ȋn lucrările sale prin oglindirea ȋn propria-i materie şi capătă preţiozitatea şi voluptatea liniilor unui nud, expresia sinceră a trăirii surprinsă ȋn chipurile studiate de artist cât şi sobrietatea unui moment de reculegere. Prin modul de valorificare a straturilor de culoare ce se constituie asemeni unor câmpuri de tensiune ȋn cadrul tablourilor sale, artistul aduce la suprafaţă un tip de claritate ce conferă strălucire şi transparenţă formelor pictate.
O trăsătură specifică compoziţiilor create de Traian Tsamuris este dată de atenţia acordată spaţiului din ansamblul lucrărilor sale, spaţiu din care se desprind sau au rămas captive gânduri ce aşteaptă să capete un contur.

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Tsamuris Traian
Tel: +40723.000.516

Obiect de venerat

Obiect de venerat

Prezentare Demers Artistic

Traian Tsamuris is an artist that is experimenting artistic techniques specific to certain genres like mural painting, easel painting, engraving and sculpture, which he is often integrating in unconventional forms of art like happening, installation and performance.
Reality is transfigured in his works by reflecting itself into its own matter, acquiring preciousness and voluptuousness of the lines of a nude, the sincere expression of feeling captured in the faces studied by the artist, as well as the sobriety as a moment of silence. By overlapping the colour layers and creating real strain fields on the surface of his paintings, the artist brings up a kind of clarity that gives shine and transparency to the painted forms.
A specific feature of Traian Tsamuris’s compositions is given by the attention paid to the space in the ensemble of his works, space from which thoughts get detached or are left captive in the wait to get into shape.

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