[:ro]Macarie Codruța Corina[:en]Macarie Codruța Corina[:]
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Prezentare Demers Artistic
Prin arta plastica, am gasit un sentiment armonic de implinire in relatia mea cu existenta iar modalitatea de comunicare in pictura , este una din preocuparile mele.
In mod deosebit , m-a atras spectacolul uman.Am abordat cu predilectie portretul , creat cu intentia si preocuparea de a deschide o poarta , prin care spectatorul sa poata patrunde in universul specific trairilor mele intime. Prin lucrarile mele caut o modalitate de comunicare cu publicul , un suport , un mijloc de a transmite idei, viziuni artistice. In acelasi timp , caut ca fiecare tablou sa contina un element propus spre analiza , deoarece consider ca o lucrare trebuie sa poarte taina ascunsa in spatele gestului, a privirii personajului reprezentat , sa nasca un semn de intrebare cu privire la problematica existentei umane , pentru a deschide usa catre universul imaginativ al artistului.
Gandesc ca arta are si o finalitate morala , care dezvaluie o certitudine sau o indoiala, pe care o are artistul la un moment dat.
Consider ca un pictor nu trebuie sa fie in totalitate estetolog , nici ideolog .
Artistul filozofeaza prin demersul sau artistic pe care il supune judecatii publicului.
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Prezentare Demers Artistic
In visual arts I have found a balanced feeling of fulfilment in my relation with life and painting, as a way of communication, is one of my concerns.
I have always been fascinated by the theatre of life. I have done mostly portraits, with the intention and desire to open a gate to the world of inner emotions. Through my works, I seek a way to communicate with the public, a support, a means for conveying ideas, artistic visions. At the same time, I want every painting to have something which invites to meditation because I consider that a work must hide a secret beneath the gesture or the gaze of the character, must raise a question mark regarding the issue of human existence and open the gate to the creator’s imaginative universe.
I believe that art has a moral end too, revealing a certainty or doubt that the artist has at a certain time.
As I see it, a painter should neither be entirely aesthetician, nor entirely ideologist.
The artist meditates through his artistic demarche which he submits to the judgment of the public.
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